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Dover, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Riding a motorcycle can be a liberating experience, especially for those who love adventure and the feeling of the open road. However, motorcyclists in Dover are often exposed to the dangers posed by negligent drivers on the road.

Unfortunately, accidents can happen, and when they do, they can result in serious injuries, expensive medical bills, and income loss from missed work. The legal system can be complex, and insurance companies might not always be willing to provide compensation to riders even when it is clear the other party is at fault. That is where we come in. Our experienced team can help you understand your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve. If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, you do not have to face these challenges alone.

For a free case review with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney, call Jerry Friedman today at 1-800-529-4464.

Typical Causes of Motorcycle Collisions in Dover, NJ

Motorcycle accidents in Dover can result from a combination of factors. Motorcyclists can enhance their safety by wearing high-visibility gear, obtaining proper training, and riding defensively. To protect their legal rights, riders should contact our motorcycle accident lawyers. Our team can help you recover damages no matter the cause of your accident. The following are common causes of motorcycle accidents in Dover:

Speeding and Reckless Driving

Speeding and reckless driving are common causes of all types of vehicle collisions, including motorcycle accidents. The thrill of riding a motorcycle can sometimes lead riders to speed or engage in risky maneuvers, such as weaving through traffic.

However, speeding reduces reaction time and increases stopping distance, making it more challenging to avoid sudden obstacles or changes in traffic flow. Meanwhile, other drivers’ speeding and reckless behaviors pose additional risks to motorcyclists, who are more exposed in the event of a collision.

Left-Turn Accidents

Left-turn accidents are particularly dangerous for motorcyclists. These collisions typically occur when a car or truck making a left turn at an intersection fails to see an oncoming motorcycle or misjudges its speed, resulting in the motorcycle colliding with the side of the turning vehicle. Such accidents often result in serious injuries or fatalities for motorcyclists because of the force of impact and the lack of protection compared to occupants of the turning vehicle.

Alcohol and Drug Use

Impaired riding is a critical issue in motorcycle collisions. Alcohol and drugs impair judgment, reaction times, and motor skills, significantly increasing the risk of accidents. Despite widespread awareness campaigns and strict DUI laws, alcohol and drug use remain common factors in motorcycle and other vehicle collisions.

Visibility Issues

One of the primary causes of motorcycle collisions is the issue of visibility. Motorcycles are much smaller than cars and trucks, making them less visible to other drivers, especially at intersections or in heavy traffic.

Additionally, blind spots are a significant concern, as motorcycles can easily disappear from a driver’s view. Poor lighting conditions, such as at dusk or dawn, further exacerbate visibility issues, increasing the risk of collisions.

Road Conditions

The state of the roads in Dover can also significantly impact motorcycle safety. Potholes, uneven road surfaces, debris, and wet or icy conditions are more hazardous for motorcycles than for larger vehicles because of their smaller size and less stable nature. Such road conditions can cause motorcyclists to lose control, leading to single-vehicle accidents or making them more vulnerable to collisions with other vehicles.

Factors that Should Be Considered When Evaluating a Dover, NJ Motorcycle Accident Claim

Evaluating a motorcycle accident claim in Dover requires a comprehensive understanding of various factors. Each case is unique, with its specific circumstances influencing the claim’s value. However, the following considerations are usually made in most motorcycle accident cases:

The Nature and Extent of Your Injuries

The nature and extent of injuries sustained in the motorcycle accident are among the most significant factors influencing the claim’s value. Severe injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, fractures, or amputations result in higher compensation because of the extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and long-term care they might require.

Our evaluation will consider your current medical bills, projected future medical expenses, and any necessary modifications to your home or lifestyle.

Costs of Recovery and Rehabilitation

Recovery and rehabilitation costs extend beyond initial medical treatment. They might include physical therapy, psychological counseling, and other rehabilitative services necessary for the victim’s recovery. These costs should be carefully documented and projected into the future to ensure the claim accurately reflects the total amount needed for the victim to reach maximum medical improvement.

Loss of Earnings and Earning Capacity

A motorcycle accident can significantly affect the victim’s ability to work, both temporarily and permanently. Loss of earnings encompasses not only the income lost while recovering but also the loss of future earning capacity if the victim cannot return to their previous employment or work at all. Evaluating this aspect involves considering the victim’s age, career trajectory, and the severity of the injuries.

Impact on Your Quality of Life

Beyond the immediate physical injuries, the impact on your quality of life is a critical factor in assessing a claim’s value. This includes the ability to enjoy previous hobbies, perform daily activities, and maintain relationships.

Compensation can be sought for pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of consortium, and diminished quality of life, which are inherently more subjective and require careful documentation and expert testimony.

Liability and Comparative Negligence

New Jersey operates under a modified comparative negligence system, meaning that the compensation can be reduced by the percentage of fault attributed to the injured party. Establishing liability and understanding how comparative negligence might affect the claim is crucial. If the motorcyclist is found partially at fault for the accident, this will directly impact the claim’s overall value.

Insurance Policy Limits

The insurance policy limits of both you and the defendant play a significant role in determining the possible compensation in a motorcycle accident claim. If the defendant’s liability coverage is insufficient to cover the damages, you might need to turn to your own underinsured motorist coverage. However, it is often best to file a lawsuit in these situations so all of your damages can be claimed.

Punitive Damages

In cases where the defendant’s actions were particularly reckless or egregious, punitive damages might be considered. These are intended not as compensation for the victim but as a punishment for the defendant and a deterrent against similar behavior in the future. While not applicable in every case, the potential for punitive damages can significantly affect a claim’s value.

Expert Fees

The process of pursuing a motorcycle accident claim sometimes involves the costs associated with hiring expert witnesses, such as medical professionals, accident reconstructionists, and economic loss experts. These expenses are necessary for building a strong case but also factor into the overall evaluation of the claim, as they can be substantial. The expense of hiring them can be included in your claim calculations.

Our Dover, NJ Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Can Help Protect Your Rights

Call motorcycle accident attorney Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 today for a free case analysis.

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