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Camden, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one was injured in a motorcycle accident, you might be entitled to financial compensation. Motorcycle accidents can cause serious, life-altering injuries and disabilities for riders, even if they shared no responsibility in causing the accident. Our Camden, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer works to hold at-fault drivers responsible for these injuries and fights to get medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages for the victims.

With over 40 years of experience – and with the experience of being a motorcycle rider himself – Jerry Friedman compassionately and professionally represents victims of motorcycle accidents and their families. Whether you suffered moderate injuries, life-changing disabilities, or the death of a loved one, call our lawyers today to set up a free legal consultation on your potential case. Our number is 1-800-LAW-4-HOGS.

How to File a Motorcycle Accident Case in Camden

Many victims of motorcycle accidents do not know where to begin with their potential case. Most drivers understand that they should contact their insurance company after a crash, but the process of filing a claim through your insurance company might not give you enough money to cover your needs. Instead, the first call you make after seeking treatment for your injuries should be a motorcycle accident lawyer.

Our attorneys can help you understand whether your case is eligible for a lawsuit under NJ’s auto accident rules. In some cases, “limited tort” insurance policies block you from being able to file a lawsuit for injuries in an auto accident. However, if your injuries are very severe, if you suffered permanent injuries in a crash, or if you are suing for the death of a loved one, you are usually entitled to take the at-fault driver to court instead of relying on insurance.

When you file an insurance claim, you might be entitled to certain damages, but your insurance policy might limit these damages. This means you could receive only a percentage of the damages for medical bills and lost wages you suffered. Insurance usually also blocks damages for pain and suffering, meaning you will miss out on potentially high damages that you could claim in court.

When you work with a lawyer to file your case in court, you could open doors to additional areas of compensation. Our New Jersey motorcycle accident lawyers can work to gather evidence and draft court documents so that we can file your case quickly and start getting you on a path to receiving the financial compensation you deserve.

Damages for a Car Accident Lawsuit in Camden, NJ

When you sue the driver who injured you for damages, you could be entitled to claim the costs of any financial expenses you faced because of the accident. This can mean seeking compensation for repairs to your motorcycle, but the more expensive damages these kinds of cases usually focus on are damages for medical bills and lost wages.

The damages for medical bills can cover any medical expenses you paid for because of the accident. This means covering not only the cost of emergency treatment at the ER, but also the cost of ongoing follow-up appointments, treatments, and rehabilitation. If you sought mental health care because of post-traumatic stress symptoms or other issues related to the accident, you could also be entitled to claim damages for these costs.

The damages paid for lost wages can cover the paychecks you missed during your recovery as well as ongoing lost wages. Many motorcycle injury victims cannot return to work at their full capacity. If you need to take reduced hours or take a job with fewer physical demands, you could be entitled to claim the difference between your old wages and your new wages. If you have permanent disabilities that make it impossible to work, you could be entitled to lost wages on an ongoing basis, which the at-fault driver should pay for.

In addition to these economic damages, you might be entitled to noneconomic damages, which are paid for things other than financial costs. Pain and suffering damages are available in almost every injury case to compensate the victim for the physical experiences they faced as well as the mental ones. Damages for disfigurement and visible injuries can also be claimed.

When to Settle a Personal Injury Claim for a Camden Motorcycle Crash

When you pursue your case against the at-fault driver, their insurance company will usually try to settle the case. If you are suing a trucking company or a bus company because their driver hit you, you will usually face similar pressure to settle the case. These parties do not represent you and your best interests, and it is important to always work with a lawyer instead of accepting these settlement offers.

While a settlement offer might look like a lot of money, it might be far lower than you need it to be. If the settlement offer you were given does not pay for pain and suffering or fails to fully cover your medical expenses, you could be left with additional expenses to cover. If you accept a settlement now, you usually cannot go back and claim additional damages in court later.

It is important to have an attorney review your case and help you determine what your case is worth. Many victims need damages quickly, and the time and expense of going to trial might stall your case too much – so it sometimes is in your best interests to settle the case. However, you should review the settlement offer with a lawyer before accepting anything.

Call Our Camden, NJ Lawyer for Motorcycle Accidents and Injuries

If you were injured in a motorcycle crash in the Camden area, you could be entitled to substantial compensation. If a loved one was killed, you might also be able to sue for your loss and receive compensation from the at-fault driver. For help with your potential case, call our Camden, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman today. Jerry has represented motorcycle accident victims for over 40 years, and he is prepared to fight for you as well. For a free legal consultation, call our law offices today at 1-800-LAW-4-HOGS.

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