Palmyra, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Getting compensation after a motorcycle accident is important. Without proper compensation, you could be left paying medical bills, dealing with lost wages, and suffering from your injuries when someone else should be held responsible.
For help getting compensation for a motorcycle accident in Palmyra, NJ, contact an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer. Your attorney can help you understand what your case is worth, help you decide how to file your case, and fight for you to maximize your compensation.
For a free case review, call Jerry Friedman. Jerry is a Palmyra, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer with decades of experience handling motorcycle injury cases. For your free case evaluation, call today at 1-800-529-4464.
Types of Damages in a Palmyra, NJ Motorcycle Accident Case
If you were hit by a car while riding your motorcycle, you could face a wide range of damages. Insurance might help pay for some of these damages, but not all. These damages are also unique to your individual case, so it is important to have a Palmyra motorcycle accident attorney review your case and help you understand all of the damages you can claim compensation for.
Medical Expenses
The money you paid for medical care is going to make up a large chunk of your damages. The cost of X-rays, surgery, hospital stays, ambulance rides, and follow-up appointments will be expensive. If your injuries were very severe and required physical therapy, rehab, and occupational therapy, you could face even higher damages.
The party who hit you should be on the hook for these expenses, not you. That makes damages for medical expenses one of the core damages you can claim in your injury case.
Lost Wages and Reduced Earning Capacity
If your injuries keep you from going to work, it will be hard to get paid so you can afford medical expenses. In fact, it will be hard to afford any expenses if you cannot work. The value of the wages you lost because of your injury will also be a big part of your injury case.
Motorcycle accident victims in Palmyra can also claim compensation for lost future earnings in many cases. If your injury involves a permanent disability like paralysis, you might never return to work – at least not in your previous capacity. Reduced future earnings can be compensated back up to the level they would have been at without the accident. If you cannot work at all, then ongoing wages at your previous level (accounting for potential future raises and such) should also be part of your injury claim.
Pain and Suffering
Pain and suffering damages are a core type of “non-economic” damages motorcycle accident victims can claim in many cases. These damages help compensate you for the experiences you faced during the accident and in dealing with your injuries. This compensation can include coverage for not only the pain and suffering, specifically, but also things like mental and emotional harm as well as the fear, embarrassment, and emotional effects of an accident.
Punitive Damages
Although punitive damages are rare, they are available in some cases. These damages are ordered by the court to punish the at-fault parties and put additional money in your pocket. These damages can be issued against negligent trucking companies or other businesses whose drivers may have a history of causing accidents or refusing to correct problems that cause crashes. Our Palmyra motorcycle accident attorney can help you determine whether these damages are available in your case.
Filing for Compensation After a Palmyra Motorcycle Crash
To file for damages, motorcycle accident victims can often file a lawsuit or an insurance claim. Your Palmyra motorcycle accident attorney can help you decide which route is best in your case.
Insurance Claims vs. Lawsuits
In New Jersey, most auto accidents are required to go through insurance. This is because most drivers have no-fault insurance that requires them to use their Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage first before being able to sue anyone. If injuries are severe enough or involve permanent damage, victims are allowed to sue instead.
Motorcycle riders are not typically bound by these rules and may have policies that skip the PIP coverage entirely. This allows them to sue any time they are injured. Additionally, many injured motorcycle riders do face severe injuries or high-dollar damages that qualify them to sue in court.
When you file an insurance claim, things like pain and suffering might not be covered. Other damages might be covered at only a reduced value as well. This is especially common you are filing with your own insurance and have to pay deductibles. When you sue in court, damages can be paid at a higher rate.
Settlements vs. Trials
You may also be able to settle your case, which creates a third option with its own pros and cons. When you settle, you get your damages faster. Since both parties save money by settling, this often means lower overall payouts. However, a settlement might make a lot of sense if your case will be hard to prove in court or if the evidence against the defendant is overwhelming and they want to settle at a reasonable value to avoid the expense of trial.
Review any and all settlement offers with your Palmyra motorcycle accident lawyer before accepting anything. If you take a low-dollar settlement, it might block you from seeking further damages in court. If negotiations fall through and we cannot get you the damages you need through settlement, we will prepare to take your case to trial.
Call Our Palmyra Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today
For a free review of your motorcycle accident case, call Palmyra motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464.