Montclair Motorcycle Accident Attorney

A motorcycle accident can be a very dangerous and traumatic experience for any rider. Injuries from a motorcycle accident are often severe and have a lasting impact on the rest of a person’s life. Not only can injuries be extremely painful and recovery very slow, but you could be left in a mountain of debt from medical bills and treatment costs – all of this from an accident that may not have even been your fault.
A lawyer can help you get the compensation you need to cover the costs and expenses related to a motorcycle accident so you can recover and move forward. The person who caused your accident should be held responsible, and you should not have to suffer for their mistakes. Our Montclair motorcycle collision attorney can help you start your personal injury lawsuit.
If you or someone you know was hurt in a motorcycle accident, you might be facing a long and arduous road to recovery. For a free consultation about your case, contact Jerry Friedman by calling 1-800-529-4464.
How an Attorney Can Help You After a Motorcycle Accident in Montclair
After a motorcycle accident, you may be confused, scared, and in pain. Not only do you have to worry about physical injuries and paying for treatment, but you may also be facing the prospect of losing your job because you can no longer physically work. Our skilled and qualified Montclair motorcycle crash attorney can help you figure out your damages and initiate a lawsuit to get just compensation.
A lawyer will help you examine all your losses from the accident and calculate an appropriate amount of money you should claim as damages. Figuring out damages can be confusing because most people do not understand exactly what damages are. Any losses, financial or non-tangible, may count towards your damages. Medical bills, the cost to fix your bike, and mental or physical pain and suffering can all be used to figure out damages.
The process of beginning a personal injury lawsuit can be extremely complicated. Many people think lawsuits and litigation are like what you see in a courtroom drama on TV. The truth is there is a lot of paperwork that must be filled out and filed correctly. One mistake could undo weeks of work and preparation. A qualified lawyer will know how to handle your case and how to avoid mistakes.
Finally, a lawyer will advocate on your behalf at every stage of litigation. Standing up for yourself can be difficult, especially when you have to do it in a courtroom in front of a judge. Your attorney will fight for your fair and just compensation and protect your rights in the process.
Personal Injury Damages After a Motorcycle Crash in Montclair
As mentioned previously, damages are the losses you incurred as a result of your motorcycle accident. These losses are often things like medical bills and the cost to replace your motorcycle. However, they can also include the physical pain you had to endure and the mental anguish you experienced along the way. Our Montclair motorcycle collision lawyer can help you figure out your damages.
The purpose of damages depends on what kind of damages you are seeking. Typical forms of damages in personal injury cases include compensatory, punitive, and nominal damages.
Compensatory Damages
Compensatory damages are meant to make the plaintiff whole again. This most often means financially whole. Things become tricky when you are dealing with a plaintiff who is so injured that no amount of money could ever make them whole again. The lawyers and the court have the grim task of putting a price tag on people’s injuries. While money may not completely erase the damage from the accident, it can certainly help you while you recover.
Punitive Damages
Punitive damages are imposed when the defendant needs to be taught a lesson. These types of damages are not meant to make a plaintiff whole again but to deter the defendant, and others, from future bad behavior. While compensatory damages are usually more limited only to costs suffered by the plaintiff, punitive damages are often quite high. Many states impose a cap on punitive damages for this reason.
Nominal Damages
Nominal damages are the smallest damages available. In many cases, a plaintiff who wins nominal damages is awarded a single dollar. The point of nominal damages is not to compensate a plaintiff or punish a defendant. Instead, it is simply to prove you were right. Plaintiffs seeking nominal damages often want to prove a point more than they need money.
Determining Whom You Should Sue After a Motorcycle Accident in Montclair
Determining whom you should sue in your personal injury lawsuit is often easier said than done. For some, the obvious choice is the driver who caused the accident. This could be another driver who hit your bike or ran you off the road. For others, their accident may not involve another driver. Many people are involved in single-vehicle collisions and accidents. Our Montclair motorcycle accident attorney can help you figure out who the appropriate defendants are for your case.
It may be appropriate to sue another driver you feel is responsible for your accident. In many cases, other drivers are negligent in their actions and unintentionally cause an accident. Negligent drivers could be doing things like running stop signs and red lights, speeding, or texting while driving. Even though they may not have purposely caused you harm, they need to be held accountable.
In other cases, accidents happen for unknown reasons. Sometimes people lose control of their bikes and they never really figure out what went wrong. When another driver is not to blame, you may still turn to your insurance carrier for help paying your medical bills and repair costs. If your insurance carrier unjustly refuses to fulfill your claim, you may need to think about suing.
Reach Out to Our Montclair Motorcycle Crash Lawyer for a Consultation Today
No matter what kind of injuries you suffered from a motorcycle accident, the person or people responsible need to be held accountable. You deserve compensation for the pain you have gone through and our Montclair motorcycle accident lawyer is here to help. Call Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 to arrange a legal consultation.