Manville Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

When a motorcycle rider is injured by another person in Manville, the injuries can be catastrophic. Some motorcyclists might have extensive damages that years to recover from.
Fortunately, Jerry can help motorcycle accident victims get justice for their injuries. The injuries riders sustain in an accident are often serious and can change the course of a person’s life. However, you can recover compensation for the medical care you receive as well as any future treatment you might require.
Call motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman today at 1-800-529-4464 for a free case review.
Common Injuries Caused by Motorcycle Accidents in Manville
Motorcycle accidents in Manville are often the most serious since the injuries involved can be catastrophic. Fortunately, our motorcycle accident lawyers can help you recover compensation whether your injuries were minor or significant. Victims might require years of treatment to heal from their injuries, which can be extremely expensive. However, you can recover compensation for any damages resulting from another person’s negligence.
Spinal Cord Injuries
Spinal cord injuries from a motorcycle accident in Manville can range in severity from minor to life-altering. Spinal cord injuries often require extensive medical treatment and physical therapy to recover fully. Some victims take years to recover if they ever do completely. Depending on the type and severity of the injuries, some riders might never fully regain the use of their limbs or even their ability to walk again.
Traumatic Brain Injuries
These are perhaps one of the most serious types of motorcycle accident injuries because they can completely change the course of your life. Motorcycle riders are especially vulnerable to traumatic brain injuries because they have no protection from impact. Traumatic brain injuries can cause permanent damage to any part of your body or mind, as well as loss of memory or cognitive function. Some traumatic brain injuries require lifelong care and treatment, while others only have short-term effects that resolve themselves over time with minimal intervention. In many cases, though, the compensation needed to treat these injuries can be extensive.
Road Rash
Road rash occurs when your skin comes into contact with asphalt after being hit by a negligent driver. The severity of road rash depends on how fast you were traveling when the collision occurred. Road rash may be minor if only a small section of skin is scraped away, but more severe cases can result in serious infections, tissue damage, and scarring. These injuries can be incredibly painful and might require skin grafts and surgeries to repair. It is important to get medical care immediately after an accident to treat any road rash injuries promptly after an accident so that it does not become infected or worsen over time.
Broken Bones
Broken bones are also common among victims of motorcycle crashes due to the fact that there is less protection available for riders compared to those who drive cars or trucks. Therefore, if a person is thrown from their bike during an accident, it is possible that they will sustain some fractures in the crash. Even minor fractures can be life-threatening. Broken bones can cause infections and other problems if not treated properly. Fractured bones can also cause serious internal injuries if some broken pieces of bone pierce or damage any internal organs.
Internal Injuries
Internal injuries refer to damage to your organs and other internal structures during a motorcycle accident. This can include damage to your brain, liver, spleen, kidney, or other vital organs. Internal injuries are often caused when an object pierces the body or strikes it at high speed, such as when a rider is thrown off their bike. If you are involved in an accident on your motorcycle and experience pain or weakness in any part of your body after the accident, get medical treatment immediately so medical professionals can evaluate how badly you have been injured.
These injuries can be especially serious because they might not be apparent at first. An injured motorcycle rider might feel fine after an accident, but, in reality, they have suffered serious internal injuries. This is why it is critical to get medical care after your motorcycle accident so you can rule out potentially deadly injuries.
Crushed Limbs
Crushed limbs occur when a rider is crushed by the force of an impact or by being pinned under something heavy such as the other vehicle. Crushed limbs often result in amputation of the affected limb and require immediate medical treatment to save the victim’s life. These injuries can also cause what is known as “compartment syndrome.” Compartment syndrome occurs when pressure builds up in one area of your body due to swelling or tightness after an accident. This pressure causes further damage to your muscles and nerves, leading to severe pain and permanent disability if left untreated.
Soft Tissue Injuries
Soft tissue injuries are typically characterized as damage to the tendons, muscles, and ligaments surrounding joints and bones. These injuries can be extremely painful but usually heal with proper medical care and physical therapy, depending on the severity. If a victim sustained serious soft tissue injuries, surgery might be required to repair the damage.
Who Can Be Held Liable for a Motorcycle Accident in Manville
In most cases, the driver that hit you will be liable for your motorcycle accident injuries in Manville. This person may have been distracted by texting, using an app on their smartphone, or driving under the influence. Unfortunately, many drivers do not adequately look out for motorcyclists and hit them before they even realize the rider is there.
In some cases, the driver that hit you might not own the vehicle. The owner of the car that hit you might have allowed someone who should not have been driving their vehicle to do so. In other situations, the owner knew about some defect with their vehicle but did not tell the driver about it until after the crash occurred. Fortunately, owners can be held liable for damages like medical bills or lost wages if their negligence contributed to your accident.
If you were injured in a motorcycle accident caused by defective brakes or other parts on your bike, then you could also sue the manufacturer of those parts or even the company that manufactured the bike itself.
Our Manville Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Can Help
For a free case assessment with a dedicated motorcycle accident attorney, call Jerry Friedman today at 1-800-529-4464.